Our Services
Lunch Bunch: A hot lunch is offered twice a month at the center.
Outreach Information and Referral: We provide information on available services and resources designed to improve quality of life. We can answer your questions about community services and available resources.
Health Insurance Counseling: A specially trained Senior Health Insurance counselor (Tri-County) is available to assist with health insurance options, prescription plans, Medicare questions and government assistance programs.
Health Promotion: Blood pressure screenings and general screenings are offered once a month at the senior center.
Educational Programs: Our programs are designed to enhance your senior years with the most current information on issues that concern you. We offer guest speakers, presentations and classes.
Fitness Program: Senior Chair Strenghtening Exercises and Tai Chi classes are offered throughout the week. All programs focus on improving strength and balance.
Social and Recreational Activities: Join us for fun and friendship. We offer the following classes and activities: Mexican Train, Cribbage, Canasta, crafts, book club, smart phone assistance, computer courses, AARP Safe Driving courses, entertainment and movies, and day trips.
Additional Resources:
Office of Healthy Aging provides programs and services for seniors and adults with disabilities. (401) 462-3000 www.oha.ri.gov
RI Elder Info is Rhode Island’s most comprehensive online resource for seniors, caregivers and professionals. www.rielderinfo.com
The Point is a 24/7 help desk for services in Rhode Island. (401) 462-4444